Dartmouth Events

Lives and Afterlives in the Middle Ages

The New England Medieval Conference invites you to attend its 43rd annual meeting to be held Saturday, November 19th, at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.

8:15 am – 7:00 pm
Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Conferences, Lectures & Seminars
Registration required.

The program will explore the theme “Lives and Afterlives in the Middle Ages.” Whether one studies historical figures, relics, art, literature, theology, music or myriad other topics, the notion of “life and afterlife” serves as an almost universal conceit through which to interpret the Middle Ages. Join us as we listen to a keynote speech by Paul Freedman, the Chester D. Tripp Professor of History at Yale University, followed by engaging presentations by nine other scholars in the field.
To learn more about the program, and to register for the event, please visit NEMC 2016's website: https://newenglandmedieval.org/upcoming/. Any direct inquiries may be sent to nemc.2016@dartmouth.edu.

For more information, contact:
Samantha Potter

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.