Rosenthal Lecture

The annual Rosenthal Lecture honors our late colleague Angela Rosenthal, who passed away in 2010.

Lecture date:  November 8, 2023
Speaker:  Amber Wiley 
Time: 4:30pm
Location: 13 Carpenter Hall

Past Lectures

February 13, 2012

"Making Trouble"

Guerrilla Girls


March 29, 2013

"Slave Portraiture in the Atlantic World – Reflections in its Aftermath"

Agnes Lugo-Ortiz
University of Chicago


February 11, 2014

"Still Thinking about Olympia's Maid"

Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby
University California Berkeley


November 14, 2014

"What Do You Have to Say? On Norman Lewis and Painting Abstractly
in the 1950s and after in New York"

Jacqueline Francis
Associate Professor Graduate Program in Visual and
Critical Studies California College of the Arts, San Francisco


November 12, 2015

"Gainsborough's Daughters, A Pastoral"

Ann Bermingham
University of California Santa Barbara


November 2, 2016

"No Laughing Matter Revisited"

Dr. David Bindman
Emeritus Profess of the History of Art at University College London
and Image of the Black Archive & Library Fellow at Harvard University


November 2, 2017

"History, Ethics, and Plans for Reconstruction in Syria"

Nasser Rabbat
Aga Khan, Professor and Director of the Age Khan Program
for Islamic Architecture, MIT


November 7, 2018

"Tom Lloyd and the Art of Refraction: Bringing New Art Histories to Light"

Krista Thompson
Mary Jane Crowe, Professor in Art History Northwestern University


October 11, 2021

"In the Shadow of the Negress"

Huey Copeland
BFC Presidential Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania


November 14, 2022

"White Sight and the Strike Against White Reality"

Nicholas Mirzoeff
Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development


November 8, 2023

"The City Unbeautiful: The Planned Destruction of the Black Educational
Landscape in Jim Crow Washington"

Amber Wiley

Matt and Erika Nord, Director of the Center for the Preservation of
Civil Rights Sites (CPCRS) and the Presidential Associate Professor in Historic
Preservation, University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School Design