Art and Architectural Preservation and Conservation

Art and Architectural Preservation and Conservation

(consult the website of the American Institute for Conservation) and in the case of architecture, consult the Preservation

Several universities in the U.S. and Canada offer graduate-level programs in art conservation. These include Buffalo State UniversityNew York University (Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts)University of Delaware, Queens University (Kingston, Ontario)Boston UniversityFashion Institute of Technology (NYC), Syracuse UniversityThe School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)The UCLA and Getty Conservation Institute Master's Program among others. Internationally, consider the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro(ISCR) in Rome, The Courtauld Institute of Artin London.

Requirements include:

1. M.A. or beyond in art history with special training in conservation and restoration

2. Some knowledge of foreign languages may be useful

3. Some involvement with people

4. Excellent background in chemistry and physics, as well as studio techniques