Distribution of Subject Matter of Art History Courses

Introductory Courses

1 Bodies & Buildings: Introduction to the History of Art in the Ancient World and the Middle Ages
2 Introduction to the History of Art II
4 Introduction to World Architecture 
5 Introduction to Contemporary Art 

Field Surveys - Pre-Modern (Ancient & Medieval Art to 1400)

10.01 The Art of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East 
10.02 Art and Archaeology of Israel 
10.03 Art in Egypt
11.01 Art in Ancient Greece: Temples Gods, and Heroes  
11.02 Alexander to Cleopatra: Art in an Unsettled World
12.01 Roman Art 
12.02 Roman Architecture
13.01 Early Medieval Art 
13.02 Italian Medieval Art and Architecture 
15.01 Gothic Art and Architecture 
17.02  Cities of the Biblical World
17.05 Castles, Cloisters and Cathedrals 
17.06 The Arts of the Middle Ages​​​​​​​
18.01 Ancient Art and Myth 

Advanced Seminars – Pre-Modern

80.01 Ideals of Physical Beauty 
80.02 Domes 


Field Surveys - Non-Western

31.01 Arts of South Asia 
31.02 Art and Industry: The Visual and Material Culture of South Asia, 1800 to the present 
31.03 Arts of Islam
31.04 Collecting Islamic Art 
32.01 2000 Years of Korean Painting 
32.11 Korean Art 
32.21 Sacred Art and Architecture of Japan 
32.22 The Japanese Painting Tradition 
33.01 African Art 
38.01 Sacred Architecture of Asia 
38.02 Contemporary Art of Asia 
38.03 East Meets West 
The following can also be Non-Western in addition to Pre-Modern:
10.01 The Art of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East 
Art and Archaeology of Israel 
10.03 Art in Egypt

Mid-level - Non-Western

62.20 Modern and Contemporary Korean Art 
62.30 Japanese Prints 
62.71 Islamic Architecture 
62.81 Women and Art in East Asia 

Advanced Seminars – Non-Western

82.01 Arts and Culture of Korea's Last Dynasty 
82.02 The Camera in Nineteenth-Century Asia 

Field Surveys - Early Modern Europe (1400-1800)

20.01 Michelangelo 
20.02 Lifelikeness and Artifice: High Renaissance & Mannerism 
20.03 Southern Baroque Art
20.04 Faith & Empire: Art in the Early Modern World   
21.01 Northern Renaissance Art
21.02 Northern Baroque Art 
21.03 Rembrandt 
22.01 Velasquez and the Spanish Baroque 
27.01 The Ideal City 
27.02 Living Stone: Sculpture in Renaissance & Baroque Italy
27.03 Building Boom: Architecture and Urbanism in Early Modern Italy
28.01 The Global Renaissance 
28.02 Going for Baroque
28.03 Vision and Reality in the Art of Northern Europe in the 15th Century 
28.04 Reform and Response in Sixteenth-century Northern Europe 
28.05 Art and Society in the Age of the Rococo 
28.06 (See Field Surveys – Modern Contemporary)
28.07 Art Writing and Writers on Art
28.08 Italian Art from Renaissance to Baroque: Crisis and Invention
28.09 Art on the Move: Renaissance Italy & the Islamic World
28.10 (See Diachronic courses)

Foreign Study Program Courses

(Consult Art History Department Chair)

26.01 can be found at the end in "Diachronic"
26.02 FSP: Early Modern Architecture in Rome
26.03 FSP: The Language and Culture of Rome (equivalent to Italian 2)
26.04 FSP: The Architecture and Urbanism of Rome
26.05 FSP: Early Modern Art in Rome

Mid-level - Early Modern Europe

61.71 Italian Renaissance Architecture 

Advanced Seminars - Early Modern Europe

81.02 History of Museums and Collecting 
81.03 The Viral Image: Early Modern Prints

Field Surveys - Modern and Contemporary (1800-present)

28.06 European Art in the Age of Revolution
40.01 American Art and Identity 
40.02 The American Century 
40.03 20th Century Art from Latin America 
40.04 Mexicanidad: Race/Raza, (trans)Nation, and Mexican(o/a/x) Cultural Identity
40.05 Latinx Art and Activist Print Media
41.01 Modernism and Modernity
41.02 Twentieth-Century Art in Europe
41.03 European Art 1750-1850
41.04 European Art: 1850-1900
42.01 Unmaking History 
43.01 Feminist & Queer Video Art
47.01 Building America 
47.02 Modern Architecture 
47.03 Contemporary Architecture 
48.01 Introduction to Contemporary Art
48.02 Histories of Photography
48.03 The Arts of War 
48.04 Women in Art 
48.05 Satire: Art, Politics & Critique 
48.06 Borderlands Art & Theory
48.07 Michelangelo's Modernism
48.08 The Photographic Medium

Mid-level - Modern and Contemporary

63.01 Mexican Muralism 
63.11 Art, Things, and the Experience of the French Revolution
63.12 When Media Were New 
63.13 Bad Art!
63.22 Contemporary Art in the Middle East
63.23 Global Contemporary Art
63.71 Art and Money 
63.72 Aesthetics of the Digital 
63.73 Art in the Age of Climate Change
63.74 The Museum 

Advanced Seminars - Modern and Contemporary

83.01 Advanced Topics in Contemporary Art
83.02 Contemporary Art: Disaster, War and the Ethics of Witnessing 
83.03 Modern Art: Art, Spectacle, and Strategies of Resistance
83.05 Art and the Law
83.06 Art and Life! Avant-garde techniques, 1890-1970

Diachronic (these courses count as other/electives)

17.01 Rome The Eternal City 
26.01 History of Art in Rome  (FSP course; Consult Art History Department Chair)
28.07 Art Writing and Writers on Art
28.10 Fahion in Art: Dress, Identity and Power
38.04 Food and Art: A Global History 


*First-Year Seminars do not count toward the Art History Major